Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Winter's Coming

What can convey the feeling of winter's coming? Each of us has some memories related to this recurring event. At a moment, things that do not seem to be strictly related come out, all caught in a glimpse, like part of the whole.

The importance of the solstice is far beyond science and astrology and goes back centuries. In the folk tradition the winter solstice marks the beginning of a season that already conceals within itself the seeds of the Spring's rebirth. With the gradual increase of the hours of light, nature prepares for revival. After the winter solstice we leave behind the darkness and chaos of the past year and we prepare to embrace a new year full of prosperity.

So welcome back Jack Frost!

Dry leaves floating on a calm pond

Reflections at the dawn on Massaciuccoli lake

Old blue boat in roadstead

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Recollection in Tranquillity...

Tovel lake
Poetry takes its origin from the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings that arise from personal experience into nature, recollected in tranquillity...
William Wordsworth

Friday, 31 October 2014

High Mountain Views

Up to 2500 meters in the sky, through a rainy, back-breaking, steep slope 10 km way, we finally arrive, chilled to the bone, to a warm and cozy shelter. 

It was the Fanes-Sennes-Braies Natural Park (BZ) and it was really a delightful weekend. We had the pleasure to spend two purifying days in such a wonderful place, taking picture and breathing some good fresh air.

These are some of the shots we took when the sun came back to shine brightly.

Panoramic view of the upland, the shelter on the right.

Dramatic view from below of a perched Swiss pine tree (Pinus cembra).

Long-exposure on a nice small brook, washing rocks all covered in moss.

Female specimen of Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) while feeding of her mountain flower's meal.

Detailed macro of some little droplets of dew

Syrphyd fly (Eristalis tenax) on a powerful-violet Alpine thistle 

Monday, 15 September 2014

The Two of Us

Cat's eyes are windows on another world.

To the mildest cat.
