Sunday, 15 March 2015


It was a very cold and windy day of February. After a profuse snowfall we decide to go out to take some pictures. While the sun was shining brightly in the sky, the wind was beating everything hardly, freezing even the air moisture. 

Panoramic fence
Steaming immanence
Red on Blue
Fluffy Robin
Ice candle
Lignified hitchhiker


"You know, when the sky is white it means it's gonna snow."

"Oh I really don't care, I have some picture to take!!"

Wheel of woden planks
Frozen nest
Snowy snail
Like a painting

Monday, 9 March 2015

Early Spring's Bloom

Crocus sp. 
Crocus sp.
Hepatica nobilis
Erica carnea
Taraxacum sp.
Taraxacum originale

Pinus pinea cones